Reliabre reajusta preços dos softwares

Site Admin
Mensagens: 84
Registado: terça ago 30, 2022 10:27 pm

Reliabre reajusta preços dos softwares

Mensagem por portaldocloud »

As a valued customer, we wanted to make you aware of updated software price list effecting November 1st, 2022.

cPanel have recently announced updated versions and price increases coming in November 2022 and have in turn increased prices across their product lines.

If you DO NOT have a cPanel or CloudLinux license, these price changes DO NOT apply to you and this e-mail can be ignored.

Pricing effective November 1st, 2022:

CloudLinux - $21/mo
cPanel (100) - $57/mo
cPanel (200) - $87/mo
cPanel (500) - $187/mo
cPanel (1000) - $374/mo

The updated pricing will be reflected on your next invoice.